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SEMANTiCS 2024 Recap: AI Assistants for Enterprise Data

Discover how the QAnswer AI assistants for enterprise data enhance decision-making, streamline workflows, and ensure data security from SEMANTiCS 2024 insights.

6 Steps for Easy Cvent Integration with QAnswer AI chatbot

Learn how to integrate QAnswer’s Cvent AI chatbot in 6 steps. Create a no-code chatbot, customize it, and enhance attendee experience with real-time responses.

Commission Européenne: “Europe Direct” transforme le service aux citoyens grâce à une base de connaissances associée à la puissance de

L'EDCC a transformé son service aux citoyens grâce à une base de connaissances alimentée par l'IA, qui traite plus de 250 000 demandes dans 24 langues. En déployant l'IA sur site, EDCC garantit la sécurité des données tout en améliorant la productivité des agents, la précision des réponses et la satisfaction des citoyens. Cette innovation établit une nouvelle norme pour les services aux citoyens de l'UE, avec une applicabilité plus large à l'horizon.

QAnswer Data Extractor

Effortlessly extract key details from various data sources into a CSV file. Enhance your data retrieval with precision and speed.

QAnswer Chatbot Integration for Webflow

QAnswer's AI-powered chatbot integration for your Webflow Website

Technologies that we use: React

Leveraging React for Modern Web Applications at The QA Company

Wikidata for everyone as a local service

Efficient Wikidata Querying with Our Docker Image

The QA Company and the European Commission

Showcasing Our Work at the European Data Conference: Kohesio Project Presentation

Wikidata / Wikibase ? The EU Knowledge Graph?

Deploying Wikibase for the European Commission: A Journey into Knowledge Integration

Bourse French Tech Emergence

Awarded with the Bourse French Tech Emergence grant from BPIFrance for deeptech innovation

Joint White Paper with Semantic Web Company

Announcing our joint white paper and demo with Semantic Web Company on using knowledge graphs

Partnership with Semantic Web Company

The QA Company partnership disclosure with Semantic Web Company

The QA Company Launched a new Website

Releasing a brand new website of The QA Company. Explore the website and learn more about us.

QAnswer presents WikidataComplete

QAnswer WikidataComplete Demo
